Cooking with MIAU
Quinoa salad and chickpeas
This salad of quinoa and chickpeas is perfect because it has a good protein intake, on one side and the beans have complete protein, that is to say, They contain all the essential amino acids and on the other hand also has complete protein quinoa. In addition fats that accompany these foods, like the rest of ingredients are very healthy fats.
INGREDIENTS quinoa salad and chickpeas
- 200g quinoa black
- 200g cooked chickpeas South garbanza
- 450g water
- 1 avocado, diced
- Lettuce to taste, any type of lettuce served.
- cherries
- various seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pinions,…)
- 8 chopped fresh basil leaves
- 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Äôve)
- Juice 1/2 lemon
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 pinch of black pepper
- The first will be to prepare the dressing to be better off taking the flavor of basil. Simply mix all ingredients and let reserved.
- To cook Quinoa, the method is similar to rice. We put water in a pot and Quinoa, usually about 2 of water 1 quinoa. We put over high heat until it begins to boil and then went down to low-medium heat 15-20 minutes about. The way to know that is ready is when you get a white ring around the grain. Let it cold down, either in the refrigerator or rinse with cold water.
- Meanwhile we prepare the other ingredients. Cherries we can remove the bone using a straw, We introduce the straw just where we removed the tail and press, thus easily they leave, and then we can cut into wedges or more you like.
- In a bowl or salad bowl emmpezamos to put all the ingredients: Green leaves that we have chosen, Quinoa and cooled, the chickpeas, avocado, cherries and seeds.
- Finally Aline and ready to eat!
In addition this salad, to eat cold, It is convenient to carry in Tupper.