christmas strudel

vegan strudel Christmas special

With this milhojas so simple your table this Christmas will be spectacular without going all day in the kitchen, Want to know how? Go for it!



  • 1 pastry sheet
  • 300g mushrooms
  • 250g cooked broccoli florets
  • 1 tablespoon truffle oil
  • 1 tablespoon of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • 1 butter spoon
  • 250ml of water
  • 100g instant mashed potatoes MIAU
  • 0,5L water
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • peeled and chopped pistachios
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste



christmas strudel




  1. Cut the sheet of puff pastry into squares with a pastry cutter and put them on a baking tray. Above another cover with baking paper and put another tray for the weight above the puff pastry and not inflated. We put in the oven at 180 degrees, approximately 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  2. On the other hand we cook the mushrooms with a tablespoon of EVOO and chopped garlic. Add salt and pepper and reserve.
  3. We prepare mashed potatoes. We put the water in a saucepan to a boil with a little salt, add butter and stir. Remove from heat and add the truffle oil, puree flaked, pepper and stir well until it becomes puree. reserve.
  4. Assemble layers strudel. We put a square of puff pastry, top cover with the mushrooms and using a pastry bag cover with mashed potatoes. For the second layer, We put up another square of pastry, cover with broccoli and over again with the help of the pastry bag covered with mashed potatoes. Decorate with pistachios over.
  5. We repeat with the rest of yarrow.


What do you think?, It is very resultón and is extremely simple to prepare. We hope you feel encouraged with this recipe this holiday season.


christmas strudel



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