Lentil salt cake

We have prepared a savory pie dough breeze, but perfectly you could prepare a pie filling with the same or similar.

For these days of confinement is a very simple recipe can also vary the taste and ingredients dispongáis.


Come to our proposal!

INGREDIENTS lentil salt cake

  • 2 mass plates breeze / Patty
  • 400g lentils cooked
  • 400g ketchup
  • 150g chopped black olives
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs, cut into chunks
  • Mix rosemary, thyme, oregano and basil
  • Parmesan



  1. Escurrimos clarified and the cooked lentils.
  2. In a bowl mix all ingredients, except the dough and cheese.
  3. On the other hand, extend one of the plates on a mass safe dish.
  4. We add part of the filling over the dough.
  5. Above, as a second layer, place the second mass breeze.
  6. We put above the rest filler.
  7. Sprinkle with cheese and carry oven, preheated. for about 30-40 see minutes or until the dough is cooked and browned.


P.D. Another option is to put all the stuffing together and make the masses as a pie, in that case we would put the cheese over the filling, before putting the second layer of dough.


As you see it could not be a simpler recipe, both ingredients and preparation. We hope you enjoy it a lot if prepare yourselves. 🙂



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