Pasta with peas

Pasta with green peas and avocado salsa

And who does not like a good plate of spaghetti? Today we leave you with a different preparation to the usual, so that you have more options when preparing a pasta dish.
It is also a very nutritious and complete dish in terms of carbohydrates., healthy proteins and fats.


Let the recipe!



  • 250g spaghetti
  • 100g green split peas dry
  • 35g of dried tomatoes
  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • 1 pot double concentrated tomato (170g)
  • 30g onion
  • 1 handful of fresh coriander
  • 200ml of soy cream (or the cream that you like the most)
  • Pepper to taste


Green peas and MIAU pasta


PREPARATION of the avocado sauce

  1. In a blender we add all the ingredients of the sauce: avocado, concentrated tomato, onion, coriander, cream and pepper. Grind until a smooth sauce. reserve.


PREPARING the pasta dish

  1. Put the tomatoes to hydrate in a bowl with water for at least 15-20 minutes. Then we remove the water and cut into pieces.
  2. Cook the pasta following the package instructions. Reserve.
  3. Cook the green peas following the instructions on the package. Reserve.
  4. In a pan or pot we heat the sauce with the previously reserved spaghetti over medium heat and mix it well.
  5. Add the dried tomatoes and peas and cook until we see that the sauce is getting thicker.
  6. Y, to eat!


Pasta with peas and avocado sauce


Pasta with MIAU peas and avocado sauce


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